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Get To Know The Benefits Of Breastfeeding For Mummy And Baby

Are you thinking of breastfeeding or using formula for that new bundle of joy?These reasons will definitely help you make the right decision whether it's best to breastfeed or otherwise.

For Baby

1.You will have a healthy baby. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of pneumonia, type 1 diabetes,crohn's disease,diarrhea,celiac disease,obesity,asthma and ear infection.This means less financial expenses treating your baby when he falls sick.

2. Encourages child intelligence .Prolonged and exclusive breastfeeding improves cognitive development.

3.Reduces the risk of some childhood cancers.

4.Cuts by half the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)

5.Better response to vaccines.

For Mummy

1.It aids in weight loss.As breastfeeding mums within one month postpartum return to their pre pregnancy body weight.

2.Breastfeeding bring about natural child spacing due to the delay in menstruation  and ovulation.

3.It helps the uterus after delivery to contract and return to its normal size quickly.

4.It lessens the risk of ovarian,uterine and breast cancer.As during breastfeeding estrogen levels are reduced.Resulting in less estrogen that can stimulate the linings of these tissues which may result into cancer.The more months/years a mother breastfeeds the lesser her risk.

5.Reduces the chances of getting osteoporosis in the post menopausal period.

In conclusion,breast milk is readily available,in the right temperature and less expensive.

Bonne Chance!!

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