Your Baby's Developmental Milestones From One Month To Twelve Months
There is need to understand the different developmental milestones that babies go through.Arming yourself with such knowledge will reduce or eradicate your fears and also make you a part of the process.However,every individual baby is unique and reaches their own developmental milestone at his or her own pace.Premature babies (ie before 37 weeks)may need more time to reach these developmental milestones compared to other babies who were not born premature.
Here are the different monthly milestones-
One Month
Your baby knows your voice You can encourage your baby to know you more by talking and singing to him.
Two Months
Your baby's eyesight is improving,her sense of sound is also better as she follows sounds.It is good to read,sing and talk to your baby at this stage.This will help her talk early.
Three Months
Your baby loves to play at this time.He is all smiles and laughter.You can incorporate different play activities as this is good for her growth and mental development.You can spread a clean cloth or blanket on the floor so that she can play stretching her legs and hands.
Four Months
Your baby can play for some minutes or even hours on her own.She plays with her hands and feet.She even turns over.At this time you must avoid laying her to play on the bed or high surfaces so she will not fall.
By now,she can also sit with the help of cushions around her.You should also watch her closely.
Now she cries especially when you leave the room.She makes lots of noise to show you that she is happy or angry or excited.She also starts babbling a lot.
Five Months
Now,your baby can sit on his own with little or no help.But keep a close watch.The babbling sound continues.
Six Months
Your baby is very curious about what you are eating.Infact she demonstrates that she wants to join you by moving her mouth and looking at you intensely.
She can hold her head up and sit better.Some babies start teething at six months.
Seven Months
Some babies start crawling and bringing out teeth this month.Along with the teething process comes sore gums.Help soothe his sore gums with a chilled teething ring.
Some babies at this stage start clapping their hands.You can help to strengthen his leg muscles by helping him stand.
Experts say that it is at this stage that the pincer grip starts.This is when he starts using his first finger and thumbs. His fine motor skills becomes better.This can be seen when he holds toys,drops it and picks it up.
Eight Months
Your baby can now pull herself up with the support of a close by furniture.This means that she has become more active.Combined with the fact that she is now an expert in crawling and rolling over.So you need to keep a close eye on her.
She becomes better in picking up things from the floor and taking it straight to her mouth.Take care to keep anything unsafe from her reach.
Nine Months
Your baby moves around upright with the help of furniture around.Ensure he is in a safe environment and do not leave him unattended.
Ten Months
Your baby understands simple phrases and words like bye bye and clap your hands.You should involve her in your activities by communicating about your activities with her.
Eleven Months
Your baby understand simple command phrases and words better.Such as -please pick that ball,come,no.
You should read to him story books full of colourful pictures and rhymes.Also teach him manners like saying thank you,please,greetings etc.
Twelve Months
Your baby is able to say mama and Dada.Some babies start walking at this stage,some in later months and others in the previous months.
Bonne Chance!!
These is a healthy content on child development