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Healthy Foods For Breastfeeding Mothers

During breastfeeding there is need to keep the energy levels up,have a steady production and supply of breastmilk and ensure that both mother and child are healthy.Although there is no hard and fast rule on foods that breastfeeding mothers have to consume,you should make sure you eat healthy.Here are some foods that will make you do well in this beautiful process.

Take plenty of fluids.Examples include water,no alcohol,tea (ensure there is no caffeine) and fruit juices.Experts say that during breastfeeding the hormone oxytocin is released which makes you thirsty.Breastfeeding mothers should drink a lot of water as this will keep them hydrated and also boost their milk production.Alcohol should not be consumed  at this time as they get Into breastmilk.Experts also advise that caffeine in coffee or chocolate can make your baby to sleep poorly and become irritable.

Fruits and vegetables are very essential as they contain vitamins and minerals critical for healthy living.At this time you need more vitamin C in your food.Great sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits like oranges,tangerines etc.These fruits can be used as snacks.Vegetables also contain vitamin C,iron and antioxidants good for heart health.Examples like cabbages,broccoli,carrots,spinach leaves etc.Remember not to overcook your vegetables .

Diary products like milk,yoghurt and cheese are also important.They are great sources of calcium.Which is needed for your babys bone development and strengthening.However,some babies are allergic to their mothers milk intake.You should ensure your baby is not allergic to your milk intake .But if your baby is ,you should reduce or totally stop taking it.

Starchy foods like bread,rice,pasta, etc is required.These foods  keep your energy up, and are also fortified with iron,fiber  and folic acid.

Animal protein like lean meat,poultry,eggs and fish help to satisfy the increased protein requirements of your body.Also add plant protein like beans (different varieties).

Happy Breastfeeding!


  1. Good one! But are you saying babies could be allergic to their mother's milk or to some other milk source taken by their mother?


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