Household Chores Should Be Balanced Between The Boy And Girls Child.
I watched as two kids-a boy and girl sat down watching TV.Then their mother requested for a glass of water,she spoke to no one in particular but immediately the girl stood up to get water while the boy relaxed more into his chair.I wondered why,maybe that was how they were trained.
Most parents,if not all parents see the girl child as the one to do the house chores while the boy child is allowed to engage himself with other things.We are all guilty of this I must say.I guess its because that is how society has shaped our beliefs and attitudes towards both gender.Combined with the whole make up of the girl child as a naturally caring,mothering and intuitive person.
A UNICEF study says that worldwide,girls spend about 50 percent more time on chores than their brother's.Going by this,boys have more time to engage in extra curricula activities like sports,games,making friends,etc.They also have more time to do their home work .The implication of this is that boys may perform better than girls in academic activities and otoher worthwhile ventures.
Some scholars have argued that this disparity shows up in future as the pay comparison between a male and female in a work place favours males.
The UNICEF study provides a solution for this disparity.Which is a more even distribution of chores.Your boy child should be given household task along with your girl child.There should be The girl child should be supported so that she can be all that God has created her to be and not just limited to house work only.
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