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Not Having Enough Breastmilk? Here is What To Do

Many mothers complain about not having enough breast milk to feed their babies and as a result of this their babies always cry a lot causing distress for both mother and child.They also argue that their inability to produce enough breast milk may not allow them do exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of their babies lives.These issues and many more form the basis of why some mothers do not breastfeed.

Apart from sickness ,physical abnormalities and the likes,mothers should ensure they breastfeed their babies,as it is no longer news the benefits of breastfeeding.

First and foremost,mothers should never doubt their ability to produce adequate milk.Most mothers can naturally produce enough milk to feed her baby and another baby.Your baby's crying could be as a result of other issues such as a wet diaper,colic etc.

You should also observe if the baby is getting enough milk by checking your baby's weight which should not be less than 500g every month and the amount of urine should not be less than six times a day.In addition,you should also ensure you position your baby well during breastfeeding.Let the baby latch well to the nipple.

Very importantly,eat plenty of nutritious foods which consist of all the classes of foods,especially fruits and vegetables, moderate fats, proteins, carbohydrates, water, etc. Some mothers in Nigeria take pap, kunu daya, soups, water etc help to increase their milk supply.Mothers in other climes should also know the local foods that helps to boost breast milk supply.

Relax mummy,you have enough breast milk to cater for your baby ensure your baby sucks frequently and consistently as this will increase milk supply.

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