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Seven Tips on Dealing with Overbearing Family Members as a New Parent

 As a new parent, it is good to have family members around, but an overbearing family member can be like a pain in the head; and there is immediate need to separate from that kind of family member for your sanity and the health of your own immediate family. These tips can help you deal with an overbearing family member as a new parent without causing offense. 

  1. Set boundaries

There is nothing wrong with setting boundaries when you have overbearing family members as a new parent. Let family members know their limit of interference in your family affairs.

  1. In understandable language, state your rules

In very polite, firm and understandable language state your rules. Let family members know what you will not tolerate and make sure they abide by the rules. 

  1. Follow your mind

Follow your mind; don’t entertain dictates from overbearing family members. Let your convictions be your guiding principle.

  1. Your family first

Learn to put your family first in your plans and your actions, they are your immediate responsibility and your strength and concern should be tilted towards them first. 

  1. Do things own your way

Do things your own way, don’t copy, you are unique, your experience whit your family and in life are unique and different from the other fellows.

  1. Speak out

Learn to speak out your displeasure, don’t murmur or bottle up things. Let that overbearing family member know that you are not pleased with his or her actions. 

  1. Be firm

Be firm in your dealings with overbearing family members; do not give them a chance to override your decisions. 

Bonne Chance!!

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