These Kitchen Hacks are a Must Read
1.Keep your kitchen sponge with as little water as possible to limit the build up of moulds, bad smells and germs.
2.Peel your ginger with spoon as it is more faster and helps to reduce waste
3. Put your unripe plantain or banana in your oven for 30 minutes at 300 degrees to get it to ripen fast.
4. Grate your butter first to soften it quicker.
5.Tie unripe fruits with a ripe banana or apple overnight, these fruits help to ripen other fruit around it naturally.
6.Refrigerate nuts to keep their vitamins and oil intact.
7.To know if your eggs are fresh put them in a bowl of water,the one that is not fresh will float.
8.Fill your blender with warm water and add very little dish washing liquid soap and put on your blender.Rinse very well and your blender is clean.
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