Foods You Should Be Eating During Pregnancy
During pregnancy, it is important that the expectant mother notes that at this period she is not responsible for her health and wellbeing only but also that of her foetus. This means that whatever she eats or drinks should be what will help the child in the womb to grow and develop properly.
These foods should be eaten during pregnancy for the good health of the expectant mother and fetus.
I describe avocado as the fruit with the womb and a baby. It is one fruit that is rich in potassium which eases leg cramps during pregnancy and mono saturated fatty acids which helps in the building of the baby’s brain and tissue; it should not to be missed during pregnancy, it should be part of your regular menu. Avocado is also a great source of fiber, copper, Vitamin B, C and E.
Eggs don’t have a season; they are readily available round the year; you can buy from any grocery store around your area. Egg contains choline which is one nutrient needed for the health of the baby. It is also rich in calories, Vitamins, protein and fat. An egg a day will keep you and your baby healthy.
Sweet potatoes
This is one food item that should not be missed during pregnancy. Studies has revealed that sweet potatoes is one vital food that helps in the growth and development of the baby. The expectant mother also needs it for its high fiber content and beta-carotene which is converted into Vitamin A as required by the body.
Nature has blessed us with different verities of berries: the very common strawberries, blue berries and rasp berries etc. This succulent fruit is rich in Vitamin C and low in glycerin for a balanced sugar level. It will keep you hydrated the whole day with its high water content.
Whole grains
Whole grains should make your daily menu as food you should eat during pregnancy; wheat, oats, brown rice etc. should not be missed during pregnancy. They are a great source of fibber and minerals for the health of the fetus and expectant mother.
Legumes also make a healthy diet for a pregnant woman. They are rich in Vitamin B, fiber, iron, protein and calcium.
Salmon is one fish that is free from mercury, the red or pink flesh of salmon is rich in Omega 3 fatty acid which is needed during pregnancy for the health of the mother and development of the baby. Salmon is also rich in Vitamin D a very essential vitamin during pregnancy.
A balanced diet during pregnancy will keep the mother and baby healthy, not just that, it will also make delivery easy and the child less sickly after birth.Ensure to eat healthy local meals in your area and you and your baby will just do great.
Bonne Chance!
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