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Tips To Know Your Kids Love Language

Do you know that your kids express love differently from the way you do? The real beauty of it is that they are able to invent a love language just unique to them. Their

own love language can be out of the blues. It can come in an unpredicted way, but that is just how they know and understand to do their thing. Know your kids special love language; catch the fun with them.Love is a universal language; it cuts across continents, religious beliefs, age and sex. Love flows from the heart, it is inborn, that is why our kids can express love and also expect to be loved. 

From research, a child’s love language can fall into these five forms:

  • Giving

I visited a friend recently, as soon as I stepped into the sitting room, his two years old daughter, welcomed me with the toy in her hand, she then led me to a seat, and at every point of my discussion with her dad, she searched for a gift to give me. At a point, her dad said you will soon be tired of receiving from her because she won’t stop. But that is just her love language. She is happy when the gifts are received from her.

  • Spending time with

Create a special play time with your kids. A lot can be done and achieved at this period; you can tell stories, sing a song, play with a preferred toy or even read a storybook together. To some kids this is just their world. This is their love language; the truth is it builds a closer bond.

  • Physical touch

To your kid it may be snuggling and cuddling, just trying to be close to you at all times; that’s just it. It is a very strong language. That’s your kids special love language and you need to understand it fast; never try to reject her show of affection.

  • Favour

Her love language can be in the form of doing you a favour,to do the dishes or laundry for you. Do best not to spank her. That is just your kid’s unique love language.

  • Beautiful compliments

Learn to compliment your kids with beautiful words. Words are powerful, they can make or mar. Complimenting your kid for a job well done, for who they are, their beauty, intelligence is another love language that kids cherish. You can go as far as leaving a beautiful simple but catchy note “You are just special” in their work book. They will emulate it if they love it. It adds to their love language.

From these gestures, note which your kid falls into. If you can patiently identify your kids love language, your home will be filled with light. 


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