Training Your Children With Strong,Positive Values.
All parents want their children to become responsible individuals.To help parents achieve this,here are suggestions that can guide children to develop strong positive values.
1.Train your child to be compassionate by identifying ways she can show kindness towards others.Examples like giving out clothes and toys to needy children,opening the door for others,sharing her things with another etc.
2.Teach your child to have good judgement.This can be done by telling your child to think before acting,understand the rules in every situation and know the consequences of actions and decisions or choices.
3.Give your child doable task with a timeline attached.Discuss with your child what you need him to do and ensure he knows there is a timeline.By doing this often,your child will strive to achieve this task within the timeline leading to confidence building and self discipline.
4.Demonstrate by being a model of what honesty and fairness means to your child.Doing activities together will bring about discussions on the benefits of honesty and fairness.
5.Build patriotism and citizenship in your child by discussing national issues with your child.Teach your child to respect and obey the nation's law and to honour the national flag.Also give examples he can easily relate with on good citizenship.
6.Treat your child with respect by praising her achievements.Teach your child to respect your customs,honour elders,say "Thank you","No Sir/Ma","Excuse me","Please","Thank You".
7.Expose your child to good books and literature.This will make your child more tolerant and respectful of other people's ideas and opinion,customs and traditions.In addition their imaginative and creative potential is cultivated.You can start as early as six months.
8.Follow up with his school activities.Get feedback from the teacher on how your child is doing.Ask the teacher how you can help him get better.Get involved in his school's Parents Teachers Association this will help you contribute to the standard of education.
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