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How to Promote Safer Sleep for Your Baby


Babies are like our properties that is why they are addressed as ‘the’. That means they should also be well protected the way we protect our priced properties. Sleep is normal for a baby, it aids in the growth and development of the baby, as parents, we have the responsibility of making sleep time safe for the baby. These methods will teach you how to promote safer sleep for your baby. 

  1. Put baby to sleep on their back

Though some babies enjoy sleeping on their belly, it is safer to put a baby to sleep on their back to avoid suffocation. 

  1. Do not at any time cover face

Babies can’t help themselves even when they are in danger that is why it is advised not to cover a baby’s face, even the head during sleep. They won’t be able to remove the covering if it gets in the wrong way. 

  1. The Baby’s mattress should be firm

The mattress for a baby should be firm and comfortable in other not to dent the baby’s backbone or cause some other bone deformity as the child is growing. 

  1. Baby’s cot should be in the same room as you

 It is best practice to have your baby’s cot in the same room as you. A baby needs attention from time to time, and will also need to be checked from time to time during sleep time. 

  1. Keep away toys, polythene, and loose clothes from the cot

Apart from discomfort for the baby, toys, polythene, loose clothes or beddings should be kept away to prevent accidents as the baby enjoys his or her sleep. 

  1. Breastfeed

Milk induces sleep; to promote safer sleep for your baby, breastfeeding is one of the recommended methods. It will aid the baby to sleep well. 

  1. Never use an adult bed

Never at any time put your baby to sleep on an adult bed. The softness of an adult bed can suffocate a baby, cause dislocation and deformity, etc. 

Bonnie Chance!!

The war in Ukraine has to end!!

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