Five Tips For Work/Life Balance For Working Mums
Life will be more fun and interesting if balance could be struck between work and life especially for working mums. There was a time when we had none working mums, mostly in the developing nations; their work was just to take care of the kids and to handle domestic chores. But the time has changed; now we have many career mums.
Things that give a working mum worry are the upkeep of the home and the welfare of the kids. The truth is that if well planned, a working mum can strike a balance between work/life and still enjoy her day stress free.
There are different methods for work/life balance for working mums; it only involves careful planning and execution.
Employ the services of a nanny or childcare provider
These days, we have agencies that provide childcare, employing the services of one would have taken care of the kids so the worry over kids would have already been taken care of. A mature nanny can also be employed. The work of a nanny doesn’t just stop with the kids but also with some domestic chores. Smart mums don’t neglect these services, they are meant to help her maintain balance between work and life.
Create a work calendar/schedule
This is another method for a working mum to strike balance between work/life. With your smart phone, you could create schedules with reminders. Make it realistic and workable in order to avoid clutter. And most importantly, follow them, don’t try to skip one for the other.
Have an understanding with your boss
The purpose of working is to make the family more comfortable, if the kids are suffering from neglect as a result of work then the purpose of working is defeated. For a working mum to have a balance between work/life, it is best she lets her boss or employee know when she needs a day or some hours off to attend to domestic issues. With this arrangement, work won’t suffer and the family will also be taken care of bringing a balance between work and life.
Avoid trivial activities
There are so many activities that beckon for time each day that lead to nothing. For a working mum to have a balance between work and life, she needs to deliberately cut off every activity that is less profiting. Time is of essence if a working mum has to maintain balance between work and life.
Include your husband in your planning
The woman is not meant to be the jack to carry all the activities in the house. The husband should understand enough to assist when necessary. When planning, carry your husband along and you would have succeeded in gaining time to strike a balance between your work and life.
Have fun with work and domestic chores by just employing one or more of these tips and you would be able to maintain balance between work and life.
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