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Seven Ways To Raise Mentally Strong Kids

Children that are mentally strong can face the ills and odds of the society squarely even without parental guidance, this is because they have been built, equipped and strengthened from a very tender age by their parents and guardians. 

You as the parent or guardian is the child’s first contact before he or she goes out to interact with the larger society; this means you are the child’s first teacher, guide, role model and mentor. But that doesn’t mean your child’s life should revolve around you, it only means that you should be his guide and guardian and notp his protector per say.

Building mentally strong children needs consistency, see these seven smart ways to achieve this.

  1. Self confidence

Self confidence is strength and force to reckon with. Teach your children the power of self confidence. Teach him never to see himself small or inadequate in the face of a quest. Teach your child to be bold within and without, teach your child the skills to stand confidently and face the crowd.

  1. Do not be over protective

Over protected children will likely turn out to be weak mentally, you won’t want that for your child. Your duty as a parent grooming your child to be mentally strong is to guide your child and not be his protector; your child shouldn’t run to you for every little thing. He or she should be able to handle situations by himself while you supervise; that is how to raise a mentally strong child.

  1. Leadership skills

Leadership skills are learnt from a very youthful age. Mentally strong children are good leaders, and one leadership skill required is the power to own up no matter the depth of the crisis. Teach your child to always own up his mistake and not take excuses, this way he will grow up to be mentally strong. 

  1. Moral strength

Morality doesn’t have to do with religion or religious belief; it transcends every facet of life. Mentally strong children are strong morally; they are not easily swayed by what they see or influenced by peer pressure. Teach your child how to become morally strong.

  1. Listening 

Teach your child to be a good listener; there is power in listening and talking less. It takes patience to listen, teach your child the art of patience when listening. Mentally strong children listen and assimilate before jumping into conclusion or taking action. 

  1. Contentment

Greed is not a nature of a mentally strong child. Mentally strong children are satisfied with what they have while thriving to achieve their goal and higher heights in a legal way. From that very tender age, teach your child the power of contentment and he will be mentally strong even in the face of temptation. 

  1. Character molding

Character molding is huge, but one aspect of character molding that should not be taken out of children upbringing is the, the fear of God. Mentally strong children will always have that BIG “G” caution at the back of their mind before they take a wrong decision; this also has to do with moral value. 

Bonne Chance

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