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Five Ways To Tell If Your Toddler Is Happy At Daycare

Daycare prepares the child for formal education, it is not meant to be stressful for the child, it is a place the child should be eager to go to the next day.But a lot of children have faced abuse from caregivers; the following tips will help you to tell if your child is happy at daycare.

  • Excited when it’s time to go

A child will never go to a place where he or she is frightened about. One of the sure tips to tell if your child is happy at daycare is if the child is excited when it is time to go.

  • Talks about it

A child that is happy will always want to talk about that thing that makes him or her happy. It your child is always excited talking about his or her daycare; it is a sign that the child is happy about the daycare.

  • Wants to teach you what they learnt or a song

You can’t teach what you don’t have interest in, that is why one of the ways to tell if your child is happy at day care is if your child wants to teach you a song or what they learnt. 

  • They tell you about their friends

Friends have a kind of bond that brings joy to them. You can tell if your child is happy at daycare if they always want to tell you about their friends at the daycare.

  • If the child is happy

There is this inner happiness that comes when you are in love with a particular thing, the same thing applies, if your child is happy and free at home when he or she is back from daycare, it’s just a sure way to tell that the child is happy at his or her daycare.

It is good to be involved with your child, try to know when your child is happy and when your child is not and find out why they act that way. Your child won’t get the best result if he or she is not happy at a particular daycare. Take time to observe if your child is happy at daycare for the optimal performance of the child.

Bonne Chance!!

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