Twelve Tips to Help Parents Prepare Their Children for School Resumption
Even as children, teachers and parents look forward to the holiday period, they also look forward to resumption period with differen
t expectations. While the kids still want to play a little more, the parents earnestly look forward to resumption day so that they can be free from the children’s “troubles” but that’s not all, they also have school fees to pay which brings about mixed feelings. To get the children psyched as school resumes, these tips will help parents prepare their children for school resumption.
Relax holiday period activities
The holiday period is meant for the kids to rest the brain until resumption period. Little or no academic work is done during the period. To prepare the kids for resumption, parents can gradually relax holiday period activities.
Discuss resumption date with your kids
It is helpful if parents discuss resumption day with their kids in order to keep the kids abreast of the day.
Gradually get school resumption items ready
It is best to start buying items the kid will need in school early; it will reduce the strain and burden of buying them a few days to the resumption day.
Introduce little academic work
Another fun tip for parents to prepare their children for school resumption is to introduce light academic work about a week before the child’s resumption day.
Identify items that need to be changed
A child’s growth is rapid, so it is best to identify things that will need to be changed, like the child’s school uniforms and books etc.
Open academic discussions with your child
Before the resumption day, parents can have a review of the child’s previous performance and discuss with the child on areas that he or she needs to put more effort.
Study school requirements
Parents can prepare their children for school resumption by studying the school requirements. All the lists the child brought from school on the closing day must be looked into to see if any is lacking. Do not neglect messages from the child’s school.
Time to reduce sleeping hours
Well, like mentioned earlier, the holiday period is for the child to rest the brain from academic work. The child is used to extra hours of rest during this period. To prepare the child for resumption, the sleeping hours has to be gradually reduced until resumption day.
Reintroduction of school routine
The school routine may have been abandoned during the holiday period, so to prepare the kids for school resumption, the daily school routine should be gradually reintroduced to prepare the child for resumption.
Set targets for the child
A new term should come with new achievement landmarks, for the child to reach those landmarks, parents should set targets for them before school resumes.
Early sleeping hours
One other tip for parents to prepare their children for school resumption is to reintroduce early sleeping hours so the children can also wake up early without sluggishness.
Cut on TV time
The time the children spend watching TV has to be reduced and books introduced as school resumption date draws near. This will get the child’s brain set for academic work.
Bonne Chance!!
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