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Seven Tips for Teaching your Children About Bad and Good Touch

As parents it is important to teach your child the difference between good and bad touch.

You can start teaching your child about his or her body parts and their proper names as early as three years of age.Then instructing him to not allow anyone touch his private parts.Infact, teach your kids how to wash their private parts during bathing this will make her understand that she is the boss of her body and can take care of herself.

Tell your child that anyone whose touch makes him afraid and uncomfortable such is a bad touch and he can say No,Stop,I Don't like that or Don't do that again.While good touch does not make you uncomfortable and afraid.

Here are other tips that will certainly help:

  1. Teach the different touches

It is best for a parents to start by teaching the child the differences between a good and bad touch before the child experiences it. 

These could be taken as bad touches:

  • Any touch that makes the child uncomfortable is a bad touch. 

  • Any touch that goes to the genitals if not to assist the child is a bad touch

  • Any unsolicited touch that last longer than the child demands is a bad touch

  • Any touch that goes to where the child guards is a bad touch ETC.

  1. Choice of language

In teaching your children about bad and good touch, your choice of language is very important. Children are very sensitive, any language that make them uncomfortable or suspicious will not yield the intended results. Let your language be simple without harshness or overemphasis. 

  1. Set the right mood

Children understand moods, they know a friendly and a none-friendly mood. For a discussion like this to be effective, parents need to choose the right mood and bearing. The best is a friendly mood. 

  1. Teach them body anatomy 

Parents need to be very creative when teaching their children about bad and good touch. Teaching the children parts of their body is key in teaching them about bad and good touch. Once they understand this, they will know which parts of the body to guard jealously. 

  1. Comportment

It is more productive if you start to teach your children how to comport themselves at a very tender age. It is an antidote to bad touch. 

  1. Self-protection technique

Every child should be taught how to protect their body, not only from intruders but also for safety. A stern NO! can save an ugly situation. 

  1. Proper dressing

One other fun tip in teaching your children about bad and good touch is to teach them how to dress properly; revealing dressing attracts a bad touch.

It is not every parent that is comfortable discussing the genitals with their children, but practice makes perfect. Parents can also learn from other parents; the earlier we teach them to differentiate between a bad and good touch, the better for the children. 

Bonne Chance!!

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