Self Care Ideas During Pregnancy
Every pregnancy marks a new milestone for a woman. The memory of each pregnancy lives with a woman for a life time. Mothers should remember that care has to be taken for the healthy growth and development of the baby, however, the mother needs to be healthy for the baby to be healthy. That is why self care during pregnancy for mothers is very necessary. Follow these fun tips and remain healthy during pregnancy.
Maintain a balanced diet
A healthy diet during pregnancy is a must to remain healthy during pregnancy. Eat healthy, fruits, nuts healthy fats etc. Your baby also needs healthy foods for proper development of brain, tissue and bone etc.
A little exercise a day
Exercise during pregnancy doesn’t have to be strenuous, but it is needed as an activity for good health, especially your heart and a healthy blood flow. Keep fit; don’t lose shape because you are pregnant.
Personal hygiene
One thing that should not be overlooked during pregnancy is personal hygiene. Take your bath at the time appropriate, wash all that needs to be washed and keep your environment clean and healthy.
Listen to good music
During pregnancy, all those little things you think don’t matter do matter a lot like listening to good music. Even your child enjoys music and will move to the rhythm as you are also enjoying it.
keep a positive mindset
A positive mindset is one step to even having a smooth delivery. Be positive in speech, be positive in thought, be positive in action; it keeps you and your child healthy during pregnancy.
Make out time to rest
Rest as at when needed is essential to stay healthy during pregnancy; overworking yourself during pregnancy has negative consequences. Make out time to rest during the day and make sure you have sufficient sleep at night. About 7- 9 hours of sleep is recommended for the mum and child to stay healthy and it also eases delivery.
learn to be happy
Learn to be happy at all times, maintain a good smile and laugh when there is need to. Do not bottle up things in your mind, keep a free mind, it help to maintain a healthy blood flow and blood pressure.
Don’t miss your antenatal appointments
Antenatal appointments are very important, in fact, from once it is ascertained that you are pregnant, you should register with a credible hospital for antennal sessions and make sure you don’t miss your doctor’s appointments.
A healthy mother will have a healthy baby; the mother’s health will also be at risk if the baby is not healthy. This makes self-care during pregnancy a must.
Bonne Chance!!
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