Seven Tips To Know If You Are Ready For Another Child
Most parents plan for the number of children they would love to have before marriage or once they get into marriage. However, to some, it doesn’t always happen to them according to plan. Some overshoot and some don’t get the number of kids they would love to have.Meanwhile,t
he World Health Organisation recommends a two year gap between pregnancies. If you are getting set for another pregnancy, these tips will serve as a guide or pointer if you are ready for another child.
Financial capability
Every pregnancy and every new child increases your financial obligations; one thing to settle before you get pregnant again is your finances. You have to be sure of your financial capability if you are ready for another child.
Total readiness
It’s good to be sure of your total readiness: spirit, soul and body before considering having another child.
Trust your judgment
We all have things that give us joy; some are in a new addition to the family. Trusting your judgment means to be totally convinced that you are ready for another child, once you are convinced, you can go ahead.
Baby love
Different people call this action as they please; when you just can’t see a baby and pass, you are attracted to babies, you want to carry them, you wish they were yours etc. I call it “BABY LOVE” a quick cure to this phenomenon is having another baby. It is an indicator that you are ready for another child.
Age considerations
Some of us have married late and age is not on our side, menopause is close; child bearing has to be timed properly so age doesn’t catch up before our expectations.
When your body is ready
One other tip to know if you are ready for another child is if your body is ready. Check your hormonal level and health condition. If your doctor gives you the green card, then you are ready for another child.
Health of the baby at hand
If you have a baby at hand, be sure that the baby is in good health before you start to plan for another child.
Child bearing is a responsibility of both mother and father, both must agree if it is fit to have another child. If there is agreement, then you are set for another child.
Bonne Chance!!
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