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Seven Tips On Protecting Children In Your Home

Our kids are priceless, we would do well if as parents and guardians give them all the home safety protection they deserve from accident and other mishaps. A lot can be done to achieve this and these seven tips will greatly help.

  1. Put away dangerous devices

Children are not likely to identify dangerous devices,cleaning detergents and products etc, to them every item at home is a toy and it’s meant for playing. To avoid accident, always put away these items from the reach of children.

  1. Guide their communication

Protecting children in your home has to cover every area that will cause them danger; as parents and guardians, it is your duty to know who your child is communicating with especially online and on phone. Guide their communication so they don’t get in contact with the wrong fellow.

  1. Barricade your swimming pool

Records have shown that a lot of children drown in swimming pools at home every year. For the safety of the children, make sure swimming pools are barricaded so your children won’t have access unsupervised. 

  1. Teach then safety tips

Children learn fast, teaching them safety tips is another smart way in protecting children at home. Make them understand that playing with electrical appliances can be hazardous, fire is not a play material, identify who is knocking at the door before opening etc.  

  1. Give them rules

 They say “teach a child the way he should go…” Protecting children at home involves adopting all measures that will accomplish their safety and wellbeing. Set rules and boundaries for them and make sure they comply. Example, once it’s so and so hour, you have to go offline. You are not permitted to have a mid night call etc.

  1. Put toys away when the home is fumigated

 Kids learn by touching, tasting feeling etc they put everything in their mouth including their toys. If your home has been fumigated recently, it is proper to also put all toys away so the kids don’t poison themselves.

  1. Keep floors germ free and keep small items away

Children mostly play on the floor it is important to keep floors germ free to protect the children from getting infected by germs.Little kids may likely choke when they ingest things like buttons, earrings,coins,pins,carrots,peanut,popcorn etc.As a parent you should ensure that these items are out of the reach of your children.

Never leave your kids unsupervised, give the children all the protection they need and you also will be happy as a parent or guardian.Doing this will also reduce your mental stress!!

Bonne Chance!!

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