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How To Return To Work After Maternity Leave

 After maternity leave, at times, it doesn’t feel like returning to work. It has to do with the state of mind. Returning to work has to be planned. These methods can help a nursing mum plan how to return to work after maternity leave. 

  1. Be mindful of your health status

Your health should be of utmost priority, be very mindful of your health status. Take one day at a time, one activity at a time. That’s the best way to go. 

  1. Ask for help once you think it’s necessary

 As a nursing mum, you will need help from time to time, do not hesitate to ask for help; ask once it is necessary. 

  1. Rest once you feel fatigued

Do not overwork yourself, remember you have to be strong and also be in good health to be able to take care of your baby. Once you feel fatigued, STOP! Rest before you continue.

  1. Discuss your working condition with your boss

 Don’t assume that your boss is aware of your health condition; discuss it with him or her so that you can have considered it. 

  1. Don’t take the time away from work into consideration

Do not take the time away from work into consideration, that time is gone and won’t’ return, in essence, there won’t be a need for trying to catch up.

  1. Work at your own safe pace

Work at your own safe pace; do not overstretch yourself. Your health is very vital so that you will be able to nurse your baby properly.

  1. Make mental preparation

Before returning to work, make mental preparations, and envisions the office and the form your work and activities will take. Do not give room for anxiety. 

  1. Get childcare

 Getting childcare will be of great help when returning to work after maternity leave. You definitely will need help with your baby so that you will be able to function properly at work. 

Bonne Chance!!

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