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Ten Ways to Treat and Prevent Diaper Rash

 A baby’s skin is very tender and sensitive it can easily get infected by germs and bacteria. The parents must make sure that a baby is healthy and comfortable at all times. One ailment and discomfort that babies suffer at times is diaper rash. This can be very distressing to the baby. Learn different ways to prevent and also treat diaper rash. 

  1. Aerate baby’s bottom often

 A baby is not supposed to be in diapers all the time, to prevent and also treat a baby’s rash infected bottom, always learn to aerate a baby’s bottom often

  1. Don’t leave the baby in one diaper for long hours

 Leaving a baby in one diaper for long hours can cause infection and rashes. Change diapers once they are stained to avoid infection and diaper rash. 

  1. Slacken diaper

 A very tight diaper is not healthy for a baby. It prevents air from the baby’s bottom, can graze the skin, and also cause diaper rash, etc. 

  1. Don’t wear a diaper on wet skin

Never wear your baby's diaper on wet skin, always towel dry your baby’s bottom and give a few minutes for aeration before you wear your baby another diaper. 

  1. Wash baby’s bottom with warm after a diaper change

 If your baby already has a diaper rash, one easy to do home ready is to wash the baby’s bottom with warm water. It keeps the baby calm and also cures the diaper rash. 

  1. Gently towel dry before a diaper change

Before you wear your baby another diaper, always towel dries the baby’s bottom; it is one easy method to prevent diaper rash.

  1. Free baby’s bottom while before another diaper

It is important and healthy to free a baby’s bottom for a while before another diaper change. It allows the bottom to breathe; this practice prevents diaper rash. 

  1. Apply petroleum jelly or ointment with zinc dioxide

You can also apply petroleum jelly or zinc dioxide on your baby’s bottom, it cures diaper rash and also prevents rash.

  1. Use mentholated powder but not when the baby has a rash

Apply mentholated powder on the baby’s bottom before wearing the baby a fresh diaper as a means of preventing diaper rash. If your baby already has a diaper rash, do not use this method in order not to infect the baby’s bottom with powder that may have locked up in the baby’s skin.


  1. Avoid baby wipes on rashes 

If your baby already has a diaper rash, please avoid the use of wipes on the baby’s bottom, it irritates the baby.

It is best to prevent your baby from having a diaper rash. However, if your baby already has a diaper rash, these ways to treat and prevent diaper rash will be handy.

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Bonnie Chance!!

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