How to Stimulate Your Children's Development
Early Child Development (ECD) advocacy emphasizes the social, cognitive, language and emotional development of a child from the prenatal stage to eight years of age.This period is seen as very critical to the future of the child.Factors such as stress, lack of stimulation and poor nutrition affect children from attaining their future potentials.
Parental stimulation is very important in preparing children for the future and developing their potential.Parents and caregivers must understand that child development is not about biology and genes but about the environment, nutrition and care.
Stimulation for development should start very early.According to Huffpost,for infant parents should search for toys that engage the five senses such as colour,texture, sound, sight and smell.For toddlers they can be exposed to stuffed animals, dolls, building blocks, cars, puzzles and musical instruments.Children between the ages of 3-5 years can be more imaginative at this time and they can be encouraged by exposing them to construction sets, washable crayons, modelling clay and the likes. 6-9 years old children can have sports toys, computer software, construction toys, inspirational books,maths games, puzzle games, board games and monopoly board games these toys and games enhances their self esteem and problem solving skills.For the age bracket of 10 to 12,parents can avail them with science kits and art work kits,complex construction sets etc,this helps to develop their independence, responsibility, self confidence and self expression.
By giving your child care,warmth, kindness, support and responsive interaction you are helping your child to imbibe the culture of been sensitive to the feeling of others.And it also ensures that your child is able to balance the desire for immediate gratification for long term goals and make sound decisions.
The nutrition necessary for your child development includes fruits and vegetables, organic family foods and less intake of foods containing sugar.
Bonne Chance!!
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