Why You Should Never Compare Your Child To Another
Every parent want their kids to be smart.You want your children to take the lead in their academic pursuits and other human endeavours.You send your kids to very expensive schools in town and engage them in great extra curricula activities-all geared towards moulding your child to become that model of a child you are desirous of.
Parents will want them to have knowledge of even those things that are not for their age not minding their age and not minding that every child has his limit.Going by this, parents inadvertently put pressure on their children which may lead to negative repercussion.Some children may become depressed,escape from home, low self esteem,withdrawal,association with the wrong friends etc.
Each child has innate strengths and abilities.Therefore,it is wrong to compare your child with other children or even his or her siblings.If your child is not good in mathematics he may may be better in other subjects.The fundamental thing is to find out what your child is good at and where his strength lies and then help him to build and deepen that ability.Parents must be very careful about what they say and do to their kids especially in making reference to other children.
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