Sweet Bitter Honey
Honey is a ready alternative to sugar.It is produced by bees, some other insects produce honey but the most used are that by bees.It is a natural food and a great substitute for artificial sweetners which can cause diseases.Children love anything sweet and honey is not an exception and with the high nutritional benefits of honey, parents would love their children to benefit from it.
The nutritional benefits of honey cannot be overemphasized as it is the source of a wide range of minerals such as iron, pottassium, zinc, calcium, sodium etc and vitamins such as vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, niacin etc. Honey as a sweet food also contains reasonable quantity of carbohydrates and glucose for strength and vitality.
Parents and care givers must note that honey must not be given to children under one year of age.This is because it contains the bacteria CLOSTRIDIUM BOTULINUM,the child's intestines are too tender to contain the reaction of this bacterium making it poisonous to the child.It causes a kind of food poisoning referred to as BOTULISM and th effect can be fatal.
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