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Dealing with Sibling Rivalry

Rivalry amongst siblings is one challenge that parents must learn to pay attention to, and by all means responsibly try to quell(if it's negative)?before it graduates to adulthood.Sibling rivalry is a type of animosity or competition between siblings,

and it occurs mostly between siblings that are 1-3 years apart.It can start from as early as the toddler years.

Some of the factors that can trigger rivalry amongst children are: competition amongst children, having favorites, always rebuking one child in the presence of the other, praising or acknowledging one child’s achievements against the other, giving one child more attention, affection and support etc.

It is best to treat all children as unique in themselves, acknowledging that each child is different and has different unique abilities and qualities. Be the parent in the family, learn to take control, never jump into conclusion or take sides when there are issues amongst your children, be objective in solving issues, love and celebrate your kids equally etc.

It can be tedious correcting rivalry amongst children but with love and patience it can be effectively managed.

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