Understanding Bullying among Children
Bullying is when a stronger child intimidates or maltreats a weaker or a vulnerable child. This form of intimidation or maltreatment can be by a group of children picking on a vulnerable child.
Experts have grouped bullying into five major forms . Each form has its peculiar traits.The most common is physical bullying, it involves manhandling of the victim either by beating or hitting as the case maybe.Others include;
Sexual bullying is prevalent in schools and amongst homes with single parents.It can even be with maids toying with the child’s genitals.
Emotional bullying involves working on the child’s psyche, at times trying to make the child feel inferior by funny gestures, threats and harassment. Children with disabilities or physical challenge are more prone to emotional bullying.
Verbal bullying is also very common amongst children; using abusive words and teasing.
Racist bullying is still prevalent in some countries were kids of coloured skin are been looked down on.
Cyber bullying came with the internet and proliferation of telephones. Kids receive hate messages and threats from supposed stronger kids.
As a parent, there are different indications that your child is been bullied. If your child is consistently returning from school or from his outing feeling moody, afraid to go out on his own, not finding going to school interesting anymore, he has injuries or bruises (and may even want to hide them), your child is always watchful, he loses his items, like books and writing materials etc. then your child is definitely a victim of bullying.
To find out if your child is a victim of bullying, make sure he or she is relaxed and in his best moments. Do not ask your child direct questions, you may not get the truth because your child is scared. Build his confidence in you, make the child understand that it is not his fault, and go subtly with your child to unmask the bully. Take prompt action, book appointment with the child’s school authorities or the councilor.
The truth is, your child could be the bully. Maybe we will talk about this in another article so that parents and guardians will be armed on practical ways of eradicating bullying.
Let’s prevent bullying and build the confidence in our children for a healthier tomorrow.
Bonne Chance!!
Quite educative.