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How to Build Leadership Skills in Children

A leader is someone everyone looks up to for guidance,while leadership involves the ability to coordinate people and activities towards achieving a specific goal.

The trend towards acquiring leadership skills even in children is because the acquisition of such skills will help them now and the future.It can teach them how to work with others, increase their self confidence and esteem, boost their public speaking and communication skill,help to develop and horn their problem solving skills amongst others.

Here are ways to build leadership skills in your children.Psychologists have identified 7 basic leadership skills and as a parent you can make them practical and realistic by incorporating them into their daily routines.

  1. Trust: Trust is earned; a leader doesn’t force to be trusted. Work to earn trust by building a team spirit.

  1. Goal setting: A child should be taught how to set goals and work towards achieving them.

  1. Good communication: This also has to do with humility. The word PLEASE as against begging should be part of your child’s communication.Also,teach your child

  1. Motivation: A child should be taught to be high spirited. Ready to take a step towards a positive venture. 

  1. Compassionate: Your subjects as a leader are not your slaves or servants, even if they are, a leader must learn to be kind and feel the pain of his people.

  1. Coachable: This is one of the qualities of leadership that a child should learn. A leader should be able to learn from others and also be open to new ideas. 

  1. Assertive: A leader has to be firm and decided even with decision making. A leader that waivers in making decisions will lead the followers into chaos.

Bonne Chance!!

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