Ten Rights Parents Should Teach Their Children
It’s not a healthy thing to do if we allow our children to grow up clueless, not having knowledge of their rights in the society. One doesn’t need to be a lawyer or a law student to know the legal rights that accrues to him in the society. They are numerous, but we will discuss the ten basic ones. It is the right of every child to know these basic rights, and it is the duty of parents to teach them from their tender age to make it part of their growing and learning process.
These ten basic rights are:
Right to Family
This states that every child deserves to have and also live with their family regardless of structure. It states that, children should of no account be separated from their families except in the case of one parent being abusive, or the home is unsafe. In the eventuality that a child is living in a different environment with parents, that child should not be restricted from communication with parents except it is harmful or unhealthy for the child
Right to Education:
Every child deserves the right to education
Rights to health
A child should not be denied healthcare, food, water and clothing etc. In the eventuality that parents are unable to afford these basic health needs, the government should support by providing them. Every child should be given equal attention and care at the health facility.
Rights against discrimination
No child should suffer discrimination of any sort. Equal treatment should be given to all children regardless of age, sex, colour, physical appearance, religion and culture etc.
Protection is one of the basic rights of a child; protection by parents, the law, society and through law enforcement agents.
Protection from abuse
No child should be subjected to abuse of any kind inclusive of child labour, trafficking, psychological abuse, sexual abuse and harmful work etc.
Right to privacy
Children deserve their privacy and this should be given to them: protection from discriminating publications about the child, online privacy, protection of the child’s personal documents from forceful publication etc.
Government’s responsibility for children
The child is also the responsibility of the government, the government should not to make laws that will harm the child’s wellbeing or make the child unsafe etc. It is also the duty of the government to provide some basic needs of the child like food, especially if the parents are incapacitated, healthcare and education at the basic level.
Right of children in detention
First of all, children in detention should not be in the same cell with adult or hardened criminals. Also, it should e the last resort to imprison a child for crime committed. Also children in detention should not be denied communication with their parents or guardians.
Freedom of thought
This right states that children should be allowed the freedom to express themselves, in their religious and spiritual belief, ideological belief and opinion etc. Children are not to be coerced or shushed in the process of communicating or expressing what they believe and stand for except it is harmful to them and the society.
Very essential lesson, and timely too. Keep it up