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Ten Things You Should Never Say To Your Kids

The aim of every parent is to raise responsible, respectful and sensible kids. Kids are very sensitive and imitative, whatever you say to them will shapen and pattern their lives.

In addressing kids, it is best to be gentle yet firm; that’s how you can get the best from your kids. No matter how upset you are, never say these ten things to your kids:

  • You are a product of mistake! 

  • I don’t love you

  • Leave me alone, I am busy

  • You are so clumsy

  • Name calling. Fool!

  • Are you stupid?

  • Are you out of your mind?

  • Do not provoke me

  • If you know the pain I passed through given birth to you…

  • Comparing your child with another. Can’t you be like…

Even as harsh as these words sound, these ten phrases is most likely going to make your kids have low self esteem and to lose confidence in you.Parenting is about building trust and confidence between you and your kids.Your kids should be very comfortable to tell you about their fears, worries and joys.

Your child is unique in himself; learn to understand your kid’s psyche to get the best out of them.


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