Things that First Time Mums Need To Know
Many first time mothers have plenty questions on how to navigate through the challenges of motherhood. The truth is, they will all pass away with time. Just brace up and face any challenge as it comes; all mother’s faced them that first time and still went in to give birth to the second, the third and the fourth,so you can do it.
Learn baby care tips
First time moms do not need to panic when they are expected to breastfeed the new baby.It should be known that the journey of bonding starts here and that babies instinctively know how to suck.However,as a first time mom you should know that you should support the spine of your baby with one hand during breastfeeding.Also you should sit down comfortably by resting your back on a chair.Other issues are:keeping pillows and toys away from baby sleeping area,changing of diapers every four hours,burping your baby after every feed, sterilizing of bottles and breast pumps,taking care of the umbilical cord,knowing the reasons why your baby is crying,bathing your baby right etc.
You don’t need to kill yourself “if”
A lot of challenges can occur during pregnancy and delivery, It is important that the first time mum stays strong if things go wrong. A lot can go wrong, you may even have a preterm baby or a baby that is not fully developed, it is better you brace up your mind against the occurrence of any of these “ifs” remember, that is why we have medical personnel to tackle any situation that is not envisaged.
Sleep and rest
A little time to rest is very important as new born babies do not sleep at night. Do not hesitate to create time to rest and avoid mental breakdown and stress.That saying that 'you should sleep when baby is sleeping' still stands.
There may be tear
It is best for the first time mum to brace up herself for a tear,you can learn from older mums on how to deal with it.
This is one aspect of the pregnancy that will take a little while to normalize, getting back to shape. Many mums make a fuss about this; they buy different gadgets to force the body back to shape. It is best to know that it is a gradual process and it won’t happen overnight.
Get help
For the first few weeks of delivery, it is better both parents plan ahead for a helping hand. A mother can never be an Amazon or a macho at this stage of her life, she needs a whole lot of help with washing and even running the home.
Preparing for sex
After six weeks from the date of delivery you can slip under the sheets with your partner.This can create worries for many women given the challenges their bodies have gone through from pregnancy to delivery.
You can do it!!
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