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Eight Conscious Parenting Principles

 Conscious parenting draws focus on the parents and parental choices.There is no doubt that a lot goes into parenting; your spirit soul and body have to be deeply involved. There are different styles or standards of parenting, some parents are authoritative, some give a free hand and some are carefree, etc. It all depends on what you want to achieve with your child which may be based on reflections on how you were handled as a child.

Here are some great conscious parenting steps:

  1. Be a role model

One key principle of conscious parenting is to develop yourself as a parent to fit in as the child’s role model – the child’s first teacher. 

  1. Don’t be abusive

Be conscious not to be abusive as a parent; be also conscious not to abuse your rights as a parent. It is a working principle of conscious parenting. 

  1. Show love

Love is key in every situation you find yourself in; love is also a cure to ailments of the heart. Love can open positive behaviors in your child if you demonstrate or show the child love. 

  1. Watch your language

Your language towards your child is very important. It can build, it can also destroy; that is why your language is important in the practice of conscious parenting. 

  1. Do not superimpose

Your child has his or her unique qualities, it is wrong to superimpose your will on the child. Give the child a helping hand to achieve his or her unique dreams.

  1. Be your best 

Being your best means you also have to upgrade your parental qualities and knowledge. Study and also learn from others. 

  1. Take stock of your activities

Take stock of your parental activities; amend and upgrade where you find lacking. If your language is offensive, learn to control it, if you are becoming too harsh, slow down.

  1. Have a goal

Have a clear goal of what you want to achieve with your kids as a parent. That is the way to go to achieve maximum results with your kid’s upbringing.

Conscious parenting is a learned skill; these principles can help you. Our kids will be leaders tomorrow, their success majorly depends on their upbringing.

Bonne Chance!!

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