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Eight Clever Ways a Family Can Save on Groceries on a Tight Budget

 Saving on grocery is a skill every parent or house keeper must learn, it can bring joy in the home in so many ways; especially when the family has a very tight budget. These clever ways a family can save on groceries on a tight budget is a must read. 

  1. Keep a record of your expenditure

Keeping a record of your expenditure helps you as a check on where you have overspent, things you could do away with, items to cut down on and even where you had great discount against next shopping etc. 

  1. Check for discounted prices

Checking for discounted prices doesn’t bring down your personality, if it will, then the shops won’t make such provisions. Don’t fail to look out for discounted prices when you are on a tight budget. 

  1. Explore and find outlets with reduced prices

There are grocery stores with reduced prices, look around for one and save some money; it’s a smart and fun way to save on groceries when you are on a tight budget. 

  1. Go for shelves with lower prices

Explore different shelves when shopping, there are some shelves that have drastically reduced prices with same quality and value or just slightly reduced quality, locate one and save some money. 

  1. Make a list

One clever way to save money on groceries is to make a list, it helps you to have foreknowledge of what you want to buy to avoid random purchases. It saves time spent on shopping too.

  1. Compare products and their prices

You can also compare products and their prices and you pick the one that falls within your budget.

  1. Check unit prices

One other clever way to save on groceries when you are on a tight budget is to check unit prices; it gives you idea if you are paying more on bulk purchase.

  1. Don’t follow brand names

It can be misleading if you follow brand names; how expensive or packaged a product or particular brand is doesn’t equal to the quality of the product. As much as possible, do not buy according to brand names.

It takes skill, patience and discipline to be able to save on groceries especially when you are on a tight budget. Apply these methods and do yourself great favour. 

Bonne Chance!!

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