Seven Tips On How Working Moms Can Reduce Stress
Productivity is at a high after a good rest, which means stress reduces productivity. A working mom needs to have adequate rest to reduce stress and to maximise productivity. These tips will be of immense help to every working mom to reduce stress.
Know your Capacity
Know your capacity. Do not bite more than you can chew. Work needs to be done but it is best not to overstretch yourself. Learn to work within the limit of your capacity.
Have a work plan
Have a work plan and follow it religiously to reduce stress. Your work plan can be weekly, or daily with time tags. Even as it organises your activities, it eliminates stress and also increases productivity.
One task at a time
Having too many things going at a time can be stressful to follow them all to a logical conclusion. It is best to handle one chore, get done with it before moving to the next one.
Do not refuse help
Everyone needs help, even a macho; same with a working mom. Do not refuse help or ask for help if there is need. It is one key principle to reduce stress.
Create time to rest
Rest is one vital aspect of healthy leaving. A working mom has to create time for rest if she has to remain healthy; it is a principle of life.
Love what you do
Learn to love yourself and what you do; it brings about inner peace and joy which are medicines against stress.
Teach your kids independence
You can also teach your children independence; they should know how to help themselves with little things so that they don't require your attention for almost everything that needs to be done.
A working mom has to learn to strike a balance with home chores and her career; both need to be handled very well, but she also has to take her wellbeing into consideration, that is why these tips comes in handy.
Bonne Chance!
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