Ten Ways to be an Awesome Grandparent
It is a thing of joy to see your grandchildren; and more joy to be part of their growing up. At times it’s like starting parenting afresh. Not all grandparents have succeeded in this act; these ten ways will guide you to become an awesome grandparent.
Don’t have favourites
There is likely the tendency to admire one child above the other, especially if the particular child exhibits traits you admire or maybe the child looks like you etc. it is natural though, but it is not healthy; avoid having favourites, learn to love all your grandchildren equally.
Avoid comparison
Children are very emotional, making comparison can douse the interest of a child to go further; it is an act of bad parenting; be an awesome grandparent, avoid making comparison amongst your grandchildren or other children.
Avoid unwholesome language
Children learn fast, unwholesome language can be in the form of abusive words; these can hurt the child’s feelings. It can also be in the form of fowl language; your grandchildren may feel it is proper to use foul language and will copy.
Don’t pamper to a fault
It is good to pamper a child, but not to a fault. If you want to be an awesome grandparent, learn not to pamper your grandchildren to a fault.
Align with parent’s standard
Parents have a standard they have set for their children; to avoid conflict of interest, an awesome grandparent will learn to align with the standard of the parents of the child. That doesn’t mean your ideas are not relevant.
Leave punishment for parents
It is best to leave punishment for the child’s parents; they know the best way to discipline their child for wrongdoing.
Upgrade your skills
Kids today have more exposure than it used to be, for you to be able to measure up with them, you also need to upgrade your skills and knowledge if you want to be an awesome grandparent.
Listen more
Learn to listen more, hear the kid out; kids have more to say than we can imagine. They feel bad when we don’t give them the opportunity to express themselves. This is a most have skill for every awesome grandparent; listen more to your grandchildren.
Avoid being harsh
If you are loved by your grandchildren, then you have succeeded in being an awesome grandparent. Your grandchildren will avoid you if you are harsh, avoid being harsh.
Be loveable
Even toddlers appreciate it when they are loved, your grandchildren will love you also if you love them. Every awesome grandparent is loved by his or her grandchildren; be loveable.
Indeed you can build an unforgettable bond as a grandparent.
Bonne Chance!!
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