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Seven Secrets To Raising A Child That Listens The First Time

 It can be very disheartening if our children are disobedient, a parent expects to speak to his or her child and they obey; these fun secrets will help in raising children that listen the first time.

  1. Do not threaten 

A parent will have less stress if the child listens the first time. One fun way to achieve this is by reducing threats. Children become difficult to control when you always issue threats, at times they would even dare you to know if you will fulfill your threat. 

  1. Punish adequately when necessary  

It is important to give the child age adequate punishment when they offend. This will guide them in the right direction. 

  1. Curtail warnings 

If you want your child to listen to you the first time, then it is not every time you should warn the child; some things can be discussed. 

  1. Keep to your word

Children are very sensitive, once you fail to keep to your word the first, second, and third time, a child won’t take you seriously anymore. Keep to your word; it is a secret to training a child that listens the first time. 

  1. Appreciate a good deed 

Be appreciative, if your child does something impressive, appreciate the child, it will encourage the child to do more. Such a child will listen when to you on the first instruction.

  1. Show love 

It is important to love your children; love is a great key, it can open different doors, even in raising a child. It can open the door of respect, and your child will listen to you on the first call.

  1. Open a discussion window

Create time to talk with your child, and know the child’s challenges, and how to fix them. Know the child’s strengths and invest in them. The child will listen to you without hassles. 


Bonne Chance!!

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