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This is How long (in hours) Your children Should Be Sleeping

We all know the importance of sleep and its relevance in stregthening the mental and physical capabilities of children.Sleep helps to regulate their behaviour, helps in their learning, attention and concentration.While little or no sleep may result in irritability, crankiness, hyperactivity and aggressive behaviour.

Parents and caregivers should encourage their children to sleep by creating the atmosphere and consistent schedule for sleep.You should also do the following .Do keep in mind that this is just an estimate of how much your children should sleep.However, children differ slightly on how much sleep they get as some sleep more or less than this.

For Newborns to three months old babies they sleep during the night for 8-9 hours and wake up 3-5 times for feeding and change of diapers,during the day sleep naps could be 3-5 times for 7-9 hours.The total sleep time for the day is between 16-18 hours.However, sleep time for the day should not be more than 19 hours and less than 11 hours.

Babies from 4-11 months nightime sleep is 9-10 hours,naps is 2-3 times for 4-5 hours and total sleep for the day is 12-16 hours.However,sleep time for the day should not be more than 18 hours and less than 10 hours.

From 1-2 years, children should sleep for 11 hours at night, naps should be 2 times for 2-3 hours and total sleep time for the day is 11-14 hour.Sleep time for the day should not be more than 16 hours and less than 8 hours.

3-5 years old children nightime sleep should  be 10-11 hours,one nap for an hour and a total of 10-13 hours of sleep for the day.It should not be more than 14 hours less than 8 hours.Experts say they stop napping at the age of five. From ages 6-13 years children should have night time sleep of 9-12 hours and a daily sleep of 10-12 hours.It should not be more than 12 hours and less than 7 hours of sleep.

While teenagers in the age bracket of 14-17 years should sleep for 8-10 hours daily.It should not be more than 11 hours and less than 7 hours.

Bonne Chance! 

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