Ways To Prepare Your Children for School During Covid-19
These are very uncertain times and parents are rightly not quite optimistic about their children resuming school given the fact that Covid-19 still lingers and there
is no vaccine yet.Another concern is that the children may contract the virus in school and bring it home to other family members who may be vulnerable to it.
Parents and guardians have a crucial role to play in ensuring the safety of their kids in school and after school(ie at home).First,Parents should know the safety measures adopted by the school and this should be explained to your children in simple and practical ways.
Teach your children the importance of the usage of face mask and hand washing.This should be done before they start school,and you should demonstrate to them the right way of wearing face mask(ie covering of the nose and mouth).Children should be told that hand washing involves the usage of soap and water after using the toilet and at other times regularly.
Explain to your child the importance of social distancing,they should be told that they must not hug and shake hands with their friends,teachers and classmates.They should not share their cutleries during lunchtime with their classmates.
Boost your child's immunity with immune boosting foods such as citrus fruits and vegetables,vitamin c and zinc.
Ensure your child is feeling well or does not have a flu before he/she resumes for school by checking the temperature level.If your child has flu it is best he/she stays at home and get treated.
Immediately your child gets home from school he/she should have a bath with soap and water,the uniform,lunch flask and bag washed.While the school books and bags should be sanitised.This will help protect other family members.
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