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Child Discipline or Abuse,Which one are you doing?

 Many parents need to know if they are actually correcting the negative behaviour of their children through discipline or abusing them.

Growing up in Africa,many children who are now parents experienced severe punishment from their parents which were unarguably abuse. Such abuse include severe beating leading to physical injury lack of food for hours/days etc.These new  parents who suffered abuse as children continue to perpetuate this act but some, especially the ones who are into intentional parenting are cautious knowing that there is a thin line between abuse and discipline.

Discipline aims at guiding the child in the right direction.While abuse is the physical and mental harm of the child-actions that include using insultive words and causing physical injury.Therefore,discipline should not be done in a way that causes injury, violation and humiliation to a child.

Now the question is why does this happen and how can it be prevented?A parent/caregiver seeks to shape the character of a child but unknowingly creates scars.The major culprit of discipline turning to abuse is anger, frustration and stress.Even a well meaning parent can cross the line.

Try not to discipline your child in anger.You can take a deep breath and calm down a little before you carry out  appropriate disciplinary measures.

Seek medical help or otherwise in dealing with your frustrations and stress and ensure that your child do not suffer as a result of your own shortcomings.

Bonne Chance!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow an educative one coming in.."try not to discipline ur child when u angry"..this got me..tanks much


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