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Ten Daily Habits That Can Improve Your Child's Behaviour

 Our children will grow to be ambassadors of the family and the larger society; with this in mind, we need to painstakingly teach our children good manners. This guide will assist you with daily habits that can improve your child’s behaviour. 

  1. Be a role model

Be your child’s first role model; do things that your child can emulate, if you don’t want your child to smoke, do not smoke in your child’s presence. 

  1. Give a listening ear

Hear your child out, do not be hasty to conclude or shush your child. Give correction when necessary and if it is an issue or a complain, be quick to resolve it. 

  1. Teach respect

Teach your child the art of respect, it is classed as good behaviour. A respectful child can also be a model to other children. 

  1. Teach contentment

One of the qualities of a well-behaved child is contentment; if you wish to improve your child’s behaviour, you will have to teach your child this lesson; it averts crime. 

  1. Teach self esteem

Your child should have self-esteem, your child should be able to express himself or herself in the midst of the crowd.  Self esteem and comportment go together, they are qualities a child should have. 

  1. Keep to your promises

Your child is learning from you as his or her first role model; keep to your promises, if you fail to keep to a promise, your child will copy the same thing. 

  1. Appreciate good behavior

It is important you appreciate good behaviour as one of the things you do daily to improve your child’s behaviour. You can also give a gift; it will encourage the child to do more. 

  1. Don’t overlook misbehaviour

Do not overlook misbehaviour, point it out to the child and correct the child immediately. That is the way it should be if you want to daily improve your child’s behaviour. 

  1. Give appropriate punishment

One of the things to do to daily improve your child’s behaviour is to give appropriate punishment for misbehaviour. That way, the child may not be quick to repeat such behaviour. 

  1. Show love

Above all, show love, it is one vital lesson or action to show and demonstrate if you want to daily improve your child’s behaviour. 

Bonne Chance!!

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