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Ten Things to do for a Constipated Baby


Babies do not talk but they can express how they feel by crying, wriggling, etc. as parents, it is our responsibility to consistently lookout for any discomfort that our baby is suffering and proffer solutions. Constipation is not common with a baby on exclusive breast milk; however, it does happen. If your baby finds it difficult to poop, you don’t have to take it lightly, it might be constipation. Do these if your baby is constipated. 

  1. Massage 

There are different options of what to do if your baby is constipated. Massage is one of them; because a baby is tender, the massage has to be tender also, a finger can help, and mostly circular clockwise movements around the navel and the abdominal area and gentle finger movements from around the rib area down to the abdomen.

  1. Warm bath

Warm baths have a lot of medicinal properties, they can also help when a baby has constipation, a warm bath can relax the muscles around the abdomen and stimulate bowel movement. 

  1. Increase fluid intake

Increasing fluid intake for a baby is not like an adult does, remember a baby’s food is mostly fluid-like. But for the sake of constipation, a little more water or fruit juice can be of real help to the baby.

  1. Check diet

At times babies react to some formula foods, if you notice that your kid is always getting constipated as a result of a particular brand, it is best you discontinue it and try another. 

  1. Administer laxative 

A doctor will not quickly recommend that you take laxative; however, you can administer it to your constipated baby on medical advice, not as a home remedy.

  1. Gentle exercise 

Even babies need exercise, it is also a remedy for constipation. Take your baby through an exercise session to help aid bowel movement. It is nothing strenuous, just gentle movement of the baby’s legs and arms. 

  1. Take rectal temperature 

Taking a rectal temperature is another thing you can do for a constipated baby; you can lubricate the thermometer with recommended jelly before inserting it into the baby’s anus. However, this method shouldn’t be your first option. 

  1. Insert glycerin 

There is a glycerin suppository, which you can insert into your baby’s anus, it will aid in bowel movement if your baby is constipated. 

  1. Reduce dairy products 

Some kids are allergic to dairy products or may become milk intolerant as they grow, this can also result in constipation, if you notice this, cut dairy products from your kid’s meal.

  1. Suspend solid food

Some babies react to solid foods; observe if your baby is having challenges with solid food. Cut it out or make it soft for the baby to stop constipation. 

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