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Eight Ways to Ease Your Baby’s Teething Discomfort

A baby’s growth is in milestones; a time to crawl, stand and walk. Another very important milestone in the growth period of a child is the teething period. Some kids start early some a bit late. However, from six months, start expecting the child to start teething. It starts mostly with the two lower central incisors. If your baby cries at night as a result of teething discomfort, it means you as the parent won’t be able to sleep also. These eight ways can help you ease your baby’s teething discomfort.

Massage baby’s gum

One easy way to ease your baby’s discomfort is to gently massage your baby’s gum with a medically approved teething toy.

Rub baby’s gum

Rubbing a baby’s gum with a cool wet cloth or gauze can also relieve the baby’s teething discomfort.

Give a teething medicine

This option should be like a last resort if the methods you have applied didn’t yield many results. You can get an over-the-counter teething medicine for your baby.

Use a teething ring

A cold teething ring, preferably made of plastic can ease a baby’s teething discomfort. Let the baby maul on it.

Make your finger available

Another fun way to ease your baby’s teething discomfort is to make your finger available; wash it clean and let your baby try to chew it. If you are not comfortable with this don't do it.

Use a cold plastic spoon 

Keep a special plastic spoon for the purpose. Allow it in the freezer a while and give it to the child. The coolness will ease the baby’s teething discomfort.

Distract your baby

You can distract your baby’s attention from the discomfort with what you have observed that your baby loves so much and grabs his or her attention.

Make your baby sleep

Encourage your baby to sleep at the right time. It will save you also from keeping awake at night to attend to your baby.

There is no need to panic when the symptoms of teething and the unease starts. It is a natural process and a milestone that will go away soon.

Bonne Chance!!

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