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Seven Body Positivity Lessons You Should Teach Your Child from Age Five

Children need to be given the right direction from a very tender age; one lesson that shouldn’t be overlooked is teaching them how happy and content she should be with her body.Social media and the different challenges of present times which results in body shaming calls for more efforts from parents to help build body positivity in their kids starting from the age of five.

That been said,These tips can assist you in teaching your kid body positivity lessons. 

  1. Teach parts of the body

In teaching your child body sensitive parts, the kid should be able to identify parts of the body. This can be done using a simple nursery body rhyme.

  1. Self-acceptance

Self-acceptance is a very critical lesson, you have to teach your kid to first accept themselves. Some kids are born slim, some fat; same as some are dark skinned and some fair some muscular others are not, none is inferior.She should be told that she is unique and special.Such positive affirmations will booster her self respect and self confidence.

  1. Commend them

Kids are emotional and needs to be spoken to positively. Negative words can kill a kid gradually. In teaching your five yar old body positive lessons, learn to commend/tell your child how beautiful she is,for how they have developed,how beautiful

  1. Teach wellness instead of size 

Little things discourage kids and can hurt their feelings. A kid that feels hurt struggles with different issues as they grow. Instead of discussing about their size, teach them the art of wellness.You should tell them is better to eat healthy,that is, having all the various classes of food in a meal and in the right portion.Instead of outright rejection of some foods.

  1. Be your kid’s role model

Parents should be their kid’s role model; it’s one fun way to teach your kid body positive lessons. Let the kid learn or copy body positivity from the parents.

  1. Engage them in physical activities

A child age of five won’t be able to walkout like an adult, but there are appropriate exercises for kids. Find the one that your child can do conveniently as play. 

  1. Teach healthy eating

A five-year-old is not too young to understand the art of healthy eating, an acceptable body starts with healthy eating. It should be your emphasis instead of condemning or complaining about the body. If the eyes are weak, introduce fruits that can enhance the health of the eyes etc.

A kid that understands body positivity can never be intimidated by her peers. Build this confidence in them by introducing body positivity lessons from this very tender age.  

Bonne Chance!!

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