Five Tips on Discovering Your Child’s Learning Style
Hello and Happy New year!!It's the time of the year when children go back to school and many parents would have observed their children learning difficulties during the holiday.And will be looking at ways to improve their learning.
A parent is meant to be the child’s first teacher before the child gets to school for formal education. One very important method a parent can assist a child in learning is discovering the child’s learning style. Children have different
learning styles, discover your child’s.As a parent the value of knowing your child's learning style is enormous.One of which is that your child will be able to learn anything efficiently thereby building his self esteem.Also you will be able to develop his learning potentials based on his interest and talents.
Children discover their world by learning; and they learn by different methods: by touching tasting, smelling etc. One method that parents need to discover in other to help to advance the child’s learning capability is the kinetic method. It involves learning by touching. If your child studies with some level of action: clapping, moving around, counting his fingers etc. then that child’s style is the kinetic method.
It’s not every child that can cope with a crowded study room, some kids understand best when they are on their own, when they apply themselves. A child like this is a solitary learner.
Discover if your child is a visual learner and give appropriate assistance to develop the child’s learning capability. Visual learners cope more with written instructions, they love to read and write, they take notes and study the environment.You should observe to discover if your child’s falls under this category of learning style.
In discovering your child’s learning style, there are basic things to look out for if your child’s learning style is auditory. They include: asking questions, singing to self, being talkative, involvement in discussions etc. A child with this attitude is best with auditory learning style.
Unlike the solitary learning style, a child with interpersonal learning style loves company and group study.
Discover your child’s leaning style if you really want to be involved in your child’s academic growth.You should follow the discussed patterns. Remember that each child is unique,so what works for one may not work for the another child.
Bonne Chance!!
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