Five Tips On Identifying And Nurturing Your Child’s Talents
Identifying and nurturing your child’s talent is the key to making it profiting for the child, the family and the society.Your child can have more than normal interest in playing a musical instrument,chess,football,tennis etc that is where the talent is and you can help hone it for the greater good of all.
Follow these tips to identify and nurture your child’s talents.
Identifying and nurturing your child’s talents shouldn’t be a tedious task, it only needs dedication. One way to identify our child’s talent is by observance; observe the child and identify the child’s salient talents and nurture them.You should pay attention during your child's play time to recognize his interest which you can help develop into talent.
Create opportunities
Create opportunities for your child to exercise or express their talents. It could be by competitions, training or talent hunt.
Engage your child in role play
Many talents have been discovered through role play; your child’s talents can also be discovered through role play. Allow the child to express himself or herself through role play.
Be on the lookout
In trying to identify your child’s talent and to nurture them, nothing is too small to be taken for granted. Every trace of something unique, no matter how insignificant can be a lead to something bigger. Be on the lookout and you will be able to identify and nurture your child’s hidden talents.
Practice they say makes perfect, you should create an environment where your child can practice and hone their talents to perfection.Always encourage every effort and spend time and money to develop his talent.It could be getting a piano/guitar/violin(if your child's interest is musical),a chess board/getting a chess tutor same can be done for other interest not mentioned here.
You can do this parents!!
Bonne Chance!
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