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3 Ways to Deal With Your 4 months Old Baby Sleep Regression

You must have been used to certain sleep patterns of your baby and then suddenly there is a change at 4 months.You notice that baby does not sleep much as before.Now you are wondering what this is all about.Combined with you not getting your sleep.....wow....motherhood can be very demanding! You say.

Sleep regression may start early(ie 3 months)  or late (ie 5 or 6 or 9 or18 months).This happens because of  various developmental changes.It manifests in elimination or reduction in daytime naps and more alert lighter sleep.This may last for some few weeks or indefinitely.

Here are 3 ways to help  your baby sleep well during this stage of life:

1. Consider an early night time.Your should shift baby bedtime to 6:30 pm-6:45 pm.Going by this,your baby will wake up 2-3 times for feeding.When there are other night wakings try not to pick the baby up.It's better to soothe the baby using other means than picking your baby up.She/he can go back to sleep on her/his own and therefore  learn independent sleep skills.

2.  Nursing in a quiet room with minimal distraction.

3. You can swaddle your baby in blankets.But make sure she is lying back down and not belly down.This soothes the baby and encourages sleep continuity.The African traditional way of swaddling(ie backing) also works wonders.Infact most babies sleep when they are backed.You can also structure a sleeping pattern for yor baby doing this.But be careful to tie the cloth for backing the baby in a loose manner around the hip area.This is to allow for good development of the hips.  

You can also try other methods but ensure you are comfortable with it and its not risky for your baby.

Bonne Chance!!

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