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Nigerian Working Mothers Soon To Get Six-months Maternity Leave

At a recent forum in Abuja,Nigeria,tagged 2016 Lancet Series on Breastfeeding  and High -Level Policy Dialogue for Promoting Breastfeeding for National Development in Nigeria.The minister of health,some state commissioners of health and International organisations were present there was a call for  the promotion of breastfeeding in Nigeria.
They emphasized  on the importance  of breastfeeding.A representative of one of the International organisation said that 37% of mothers in the world practice breastfeeding.Only 20% practice exclusive breastfeeding in Nigeria.Nigeria is also a major buyer of breastmilk substitutes.
The Minister of Health Professor Isaac Adewole said there will be an extension in  maternity leave from the existing  4 months to 6 months to encourage breast feeding.He reiterated that exclusive  breastfeeding(ie no water, no other milks,solid or semi-solid foods) from 0-6 months  is the foundation for human development.By this,he said that the nation will produce a generation of brilliant Nigerians.
Looking forward to this.....it's been long overdue!

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