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What to Expect During Labour

Well done momma,smile because your baby will soon be in your arms in a matter of minutes, hours or few days. Well, every delivery has its unique experience and it may be different from that of your friends or relatives.For first time moms,do not be overtly worried as you will be fine while experienced mothers must understand that the birthing of subsequent children can be totally different from each other.

There are several body signs which informs you that the 'D'day is close.

First stage:

This stage is also called the latent stage and can last for days or weeks.The bloody show occurs during this time,where the mucus plug that blocks the cervix from infection is passed out.It looks like a jelly laced with blood.Also contractions may start, it has to do with a sudden tightening and release of the uterus. The occurrence will be spaced at the instant and become more frequent over the period.  However, contractions continue through labour.To distract yourself, you can read a book,go for a walk or listen to music.And to ease the pain you can have a warm bath or a massage.You can go to the hospital when the contractions have become frequent and unbearable.

For first pregnancy this period may last from 6-12 hours while it's shorter if it's not the first.The cervix dilates to 10cm which allows for smooth passage of the baby.

The second stage:

Here contractions are intense which may lead to the breaking of water, i.e. the, amniotic sac. It is a fluid sac or membrane where the baby have been developing.Your midwife will check to see if your cervix have dilated to 10cm and if it has the urge to push naturally presents itself.You should follow the prompting of the medical personnels.Pushing lasts for a shorter period for women who have had children previously than for first time mothers.The baby is expelled out and the umbilical cord is clamped and cut by the midwife or doctor.

The Third Stage:

This is the final stage of labour process and the shortest and easiest.It involves the passing out of the placenta and it is expected to be passed out within one hour after the delivery of the baby.

You can do this ....Cheers!!

1 comment:

  1. Great information not just for both expectant parents. The father to be needs to also be involved with the labor process. Thanks for this info


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