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Age Appropriate Chores for your Kids from Age One

A child grows to know that it is not everything that should be dependent on parents. Everyday a child acquires new knowledge and skill which can be beneficial in his day to day activities.For instance,when it is time to eat and what is required, time to bath and what is required etc. For a kid, what is required from them is just cooperation. Once your baby starts walking, can play with his or her toys independently and can understand what you are saying by been able to take instructions, then it is time to start assigning age appropriate chores. We will start from age one, it is dependent on how the child has developed at age one.

Ages 1 – 2

The child is still very tender and won’t be able to do much, in order not to stress him or her so the chores should be light and mostly centered on the child’s activities. 

  • Know the appropriate place and time to put away toys

  • Clean toys before using

  • Remove clothes before easing self

  • Put soiled clothes in appropriate place

  • Cover potty after use

Ages 2 – 4

The child may not get everything right at first, but a mindset has been built in the child that there are standards to maintain, so at the next developmental milestone or age, the awareness is already created and more chores are added to the previous list as the child’s age increases.

  • Take dishes to the sink after meal

  • Clean dining area after meals

  • Do light washing (pants and handkerchief)

  • Keep room neat

Ages 4 – 6

At this age, the child should be able to assist you even in the kitchen.

  • Dress up by self

  • Clean rooms

  • Water flowers and pick leaves

  • Tidy study area

  • Pick up mails

Ages 6 – 10

The child is grown and will soon be in his or her teen age. The child understands all instructions and will have an idea on how to handle whatever you teach and supervise. 

  • Do laundry

  • Wash dishes

  • Tidy rooms

  • Fold clothes and beddings

  • Do supervised cooking

  • Fix a drink and beverage 

  • Trash bin

The idea of assigning chores to your kids is to create independence and a sense of responsibility. Kids that grow with assigned chores from childhood grow to be responsible adults.

Bonne Chance!!

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