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Fifteen Simple Ways To Teach Your Child to Read

Kids are curious and always want to learn; it is best to start early to teach your kids how to read.Reading is a skill that is acquired, it starts by being able to understand each alphabet and its pronunciation, differentiating between vowels and consonants, their vocal placements and sound etc. These simple fun ways can assist you as a guide in teaching your child to read. 

  1. Teach the reading basic skills

It is real fun for a child that can read at a very early age; that is why it is best to start teaching your children early. Reading starts with knowing or applying these five basic skills: phonics, phonemics, fluency, reading comprehension and vocabulary.

  1. Phonics

Like mentioned in our intro, it has to do with being able to identify the relationship between letters and their different sounds.

  1. Phonemics

It has to do with proper hearing, being able to hear the sound of each word and give it its proper placement.

  1. Fluency

It has to do with the readers vocalized reading speed and reading accuracy

  1. Reading comprehension

A good reader should also understand what he or she is reading. Reading comprehension has to do with understanding the meaning of each text you read.

  1. Vocabulary

Understanding the meaning of each word and its usage in the context you read. 

  1. Songs

There is hardly no subject you can’t teach with a song; children love songs; anything learnt in a song sticks to memory.

  1. Nursery rhymes

Songs and nursery rhymes are closely related, in teaching your child how to read, you also need to be creative; create simple interesting nursery rhymes with which to teach your child to read.  

  1. Read to your child

Another fun way to teach your child to read is by first reading to your child, then let your child read to you. It can also be fun if you read the first paragraph and your child reads the second. 

  1. Use word cards

Word cards have been used by different parents to teach their children to successfully read. They are fun to use and efficient. 

  1. Create picture stories

You can buy or create stories in pictures and let your child read them to you as indoor game. 

  1. Create a learn-reading home

Paste readable cutouts in your home, use pictures, use fruits, use animals etc. At every turn, the child should find something interesting to read.

  1. Play word search

Word search helps the child to identify words, pick a word from a newspaper or magazine and let your child find it. You can reward the child with a gift. 

  1. Create reading games

Write a short word on a placard and the child reads it as you unveil it. It is fun and effective in teaching your child to read

  1. Identifying words

Another fun way for parents to teach their children to read is by teaching them to identify each word. The child may be reading by rote, to be sure that the child has understanding of what is read, pick words at random and let the child identify them.

Bonne Chance!!

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