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Seven Ways to Cope with Negative Thoughts As A Parent

 A parent with negative thoughts can be difficult to cope with.These thoughts can be traced to challenges which could be emotional/psychological,financial, physical and others.Apart from the hurt on the kids or the family in general, the parent hurts him or herself and dies gradually.Parenting can be overwhelming; for instance for a mother who is already depressed the noise and demands of her kids can put her on the edge.It is best to identify the root cause of the negative thoughts and then deal with it so you can really enjoy life and the parenting journey.

These seven fun methods can help you cope with negative thoughts as a parent. 

  1. The Rule of Replacement 

For every negative though there is a positive thought; the rule of replacement says that for every negative though that lingers on your mind, you should find an appropriate positive thought to replace it. 

  1. The OK principle

Negative thoughts and feelings hurt; they eat you up gradually without you knowing. You can just slump and die on negative thoughts without physical ailment. The OK Principle on coping with negative thoughts as a parent says, throw self-guilt away, tell yourself, it is OK! Nothing is wrong with this situation. If you have spanked your child for doing wrong; tell yourself it is OK!

  1. Call a friend

This method has worked with some parents. If you have a buddy, just place a call and just talk until you feel better. You can also call a friend who has passed through such and ask for coping style. 

  1. Find a creative way to take out the energy

Even as negative thoughts have an energy to drown, there is a particular energy that creates negative thoughts. Find a creative way, like sports etc. to eliminate the energy. 

  1. Find a peaceful place to ruminate

A peaceful environment has a way of working the senses and redirecting it to a right pathway. Find a peaceful place away from noise around your environment for rumination and reflection.

  1. Unleash the energy

One other method is by unleashing the energy, find a creative work to do and release the energy on the work. It can be cooking, baking, typing, playing a musical instrument etc. 

  1. Take a meditation walk

Meditation is a way of interacting with your inner self, so to cope with those negative thoughts, you will need to have discussion or a meeting with yourself; so get out of your house, find a quiet road or park, meditate while you take a walk enjoying the serenity of the environment. 

Be   kind to yourself you will be fine!!

Bonne Chance

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